Tuesday, March 06, 2012

pack attack

I am finally getting the vacation I have been yearning for in the form of a trip to New York City to visit one of my best friends from high school (who is obviously leading a cooler life than me, but that's another story). Of course, before I leave, I need to pack for my trip, which is proving to be a real struggle. I normally enjoy streamlining my wardrobe into a few carefully-chosen, well-planned outfits for a vacation. It's the Type-A personality in me. But for this one, I can't decide on much of anything. The weather is throwing me for a loop (it's supposed to be nice- but what if it's not?) as is the size restriction of bringing a carry-on bag only and the fact that I am traveling to a fashion-forward destination and finally have a chance to try out some of my trendier pieces (hello, knit cape!). Instead of my typical organization, it looks like I will be employing the classic "throw a bunch of crap in a bag and hope it works once you get there" strategy practiced by my best friend and travel companion. I have a feeling she will appreciate having this in common, even if it makes me uneasy.

{part one includes a rust-colored maxidress i've been dying to wear}

{part two features the aforementioned cape}

 {bringing only three pairs of shoes pains me but there's just no room!}

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